Personal Development Mastery


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Stand out, don’t fit in!

A few years ago, I was unfulfilled and unmotivated, like I had lost my sense of purpose and my life was merely passing by.⁣

Since then, I’ve been on a continuous journey of self-exploration and personal development that has transformed my life. Now my mission is to inspire you to grow, stand out, and take action towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.⁣

I have interviewed hundreds of successful entrepreneurs, authors, thought leaders, spiritual teachers, remarkable people who share their journey, a-ha moments, milestones and failures for you to find both the inspiration to grow and the specific actions to implement.⁣

In each episode, you will find practical action points that you can implement right now, even if you only have limited time.⁣

If you’re ready to improve your life right now, click FOLLOW and start your journey towards Personal Development Mastery!

Empowering you with the simple, consistent actions you need to take to master yourself and create a life of purpose and fulfilment.



Personal Development Mastery | Listen Notes

Featured episodes

These are some of the highlighted episodes of the podcast, with distinguished guests, inspiring conversations, and  transformational messages.

#250 Dr John Demartini: Mind mastery and life mastery

Dr John Demartini is a world-renowned specialist in human behaviour, polymath, researcher, author, and global educator. He was one of the featured experts in the book and documentary “The Secret”.

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#160 Gaianet: Growing the roots of a New Earth

A three-part podcast feature about Gaianet, a global community connecting heart-centered purpose-driven changemakers, whose mission is to work together towards a harmonised world. In their words, to “grow the roots of a New Earth.”

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#230 Brian Tracy: Eat that frog!

Brian Tracy is a legendary keynote speaker and the author of over 80 books, some of them being “Eat That Frog” and “No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline”.

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#190 Dr John Demartini: The gratitude effect

Dr John Demartini is a world-renowned specialist in human behaviour, and one of the featured experts in the book and documentary “The Secret”. In this conversation we focused on gratitude and the gratitude effect.

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#132 Mark Gober: Where does our mind come from? The scientific evidence about consciousness

Mark Gober is the author of “An End to Upside Down Thinking”, awarded the best science book of 2019. In our conversation, he answers the question, where does our mind come from? Does the brain manufacture consciousness, or is it like an antenna that receives it?

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#170 Bob Doyle: Law of attraction and brain rewiring

Bob Doyle is best known for his contribution in the film and book “The Secret”, as a featured law of attraction expert and coach. In our conversation, he spoke about our ability to rewire our brain, so we can literally becoe the person who creates the results we want in our life.

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On a journey of self-mastery 


Mastery, as a definition, means a comprehensive knowledge or skill in something particular – and it is also the action of mastering that subject or skill. That’s according to the dictionary.

My observation here is that it’s one thing to master a skill or subject, like a foreign language or playing the guitar, and it’s another thing to focus on the mastery of your personal development.

This is actually a point of view that I have changed my mind about since I started the podcast. In the beginning, I believed that mastery is something to be achieved. I realise now that it’s not; rather, it is a journey.

Mastery is not about perfection, it’s not about reaching a specific point in terms of our abilities or knowledge. Mastery is, for me, the art of perfecting towards the vision we set. Mastery is not an end result, it’s not a destination.


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