My blog
Documenting the journeyHave you ever considered that your persistent back pain or recurring headaches might be trying to tell you something more than just "take a pill and rest"? Evette Rose, an experienced counsellor and trauma release expert, unravels this mysterious connection between...
Building Confidence Through Repetition and Self-Love
In this special episode on confidence, we explore different methods of understanding and building confidence through the insights of four guests. Brenden Kumarasamy emphasises that competence breeds confidence and that repetition of simple exercises such as the random...
Boost Your Confidence with Three Simple Techniques
In episode 399 of the Personal Development Mastery Podcast we are continuing our special four-week series on confidence. Today's episode dives into practical steps to increase your self-assurance. Last week, we discussed the theoretical background of confidence using...
Unlocking Confidence: The 4 C’s and Beyond
Unlocking Confidence: The 4 C's and Beyond Confidence. It's that elusive quality many of us seek, yet struggle to grasp. But what if I told you that confidence isn't some innate trait you either have or don't have? What if I told you it's a skill that can be learned,...