I’m writing this post at the beginning of January 2020, and I wish you a happy, healthy, prosperous, and fulfilling new year 2020!

During the last days of 2019, I took a gratifying two week break to recharge, enjoy time with my family in Greece, and also to do a substantial end-of-year reflection.

Reflection is a practice that I believe has tremendous power – reflecting writing yields deeper learning, and I have been doing an end-of-year reflection for a few years now. Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins’ mentor, wrote in one of his books: “At the end of the day take a few moments to review the happenings of the day… At the end of the week take a few hours for reflection to ponder the events of the past seven days. At the end of a month take a day. And at the end of a year take a week… to review, ponder, and reflect on everything that has happened in your life.”

In this post I will share with you some of my biggest wins and lessons of the year that has ended. My hope is that you can find inspiration and knowledge through my sharing these personal moments, vulnerable lessons, and most of all by me being authentic and sharing who I am.


• I crewed at Tony Robbins’ UPW (Unleash the Power Within) event in London! I helped facilitate change in 12,000 participants! Volunteered, served, contributed. Here’s a blog post I wrote about this extraordinary experience.

• Since I enrolled in the “Knowledge Business Blueprint” course (KBB, by Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins), I started becoming the identity of the #KnowledgeBroker:  I executed my own masterminds, both in person and online, and I also organised and ran a workshop in London as a knowledge broker for a shaman. (More about this at a subsequent post!)

• I won a video competition by Dean Graziosi among 500+ participants!

• Incorporated 2 limited companies – starting to get out of the ‘employee’ mentality. (If you haven’t read “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” book, here’s a concise summary I wrote a little while back).

• Personal Development Essentials podcast: 70 episodes published and 10,000 downloads in 80 countries! You can listen to the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, or Stitcher.

• I interviewed over 20 amazing, exceptional people for my podcast! Here’s a blog post I wrote about this.

• 6 months alcohol-free adventure completed and some major, insightful realisations made. I will write more about this at a subsequent post!

• I saw Wim Hof in London – astounding experience with the meditative state I went into and the ice bath! Here’s a blog post I wrote about that experience.

• I ran two half-marathons (Colchester and Ipswich), and I overcame some serious challenges in both of them.


• Realised that judging others is my own suffering.

• Realised that the fear of making a mistake is one major thing that’s holding me back.

• Realised that another major thing holding me back is the lack of control over my negative emotions.

• Realised some elements of my scarcity mindset, and started working on changing them. One of the keys is to observe my feelings when I receive or give money.

• Drinking wastes time. And wasting time is wasting life.

• Started reframing “how well I will perform?” into “how can I best serve?”

• Realisation that forgiveness is not about the other person – it’s about me.

• In manifesting my desires, the thing blocking me is my deserve levels – feelings of not worth it.

• When I’m feeling low, I emanate negative vibes; my negativity can consume me.

• I started learning not to take rejection personally. Actually, I started learning not to take anything personally. (Still got some way to go with this one).

• “So called pleasures, when they go beyond proper measure, are but punishments.” (Seneca)

• “Success” is subjective – you see it through the lens of your own reality.

• Marketing is attracting who you want, and repelling those you don’t.

• If I want to inspire others, I must live into my highest values.

• A virtuous person learns to rejoice in other people’s success. (Daily Stoic)

2020 has already started, and my intention is to make it the best year of my life so far! As long as my actions match my intentions (=congruence), I’m going to make it happen!

I wish you all an epic, phenomenal, fantastic 2020!

(Photo by Jamie Fenn on Unsplash)